Knowing from an early age that I would have to have jaw surgery really helped to prepare me for the procudure. It wasn't something
that was sprung on me one day and shocked me. I was able to come to terms with the fact and be ready for it mentally. By the
time I reached this summer I was even glad about having the procedure. I had started developing complications from my underbite
early on in my junior year of high school including frequent migraines and popping jaws. I also was beginning to get frustrated
with not being able to bite into a piece of pizza or a hamburger and bite it off cleanly because my teeth did not meet in
the front.
Sometime in my junior year of school Dr. Gibson recommended me to an Oral Surgeon (OS), Dr. Stephen Yallorakis out of
Kingsport, TN. I have been more than pleased with him and would recommend him to anyone in the area. He's a great person and
skilled physician. He's very hands-on, very optimistic, and an excellent surgeon. He made me feel very comfortable before
the surgery just talking about everyday things. He was in the room to check on me when he said he would be and anytime I have
had a question since I came home, no matter the time or day, he was there to answer it. If you are within an hour or two from
Kingsport, TN, however, I would most definitely check into having him as a surgeon.